In April 2023, Yoo Capital acquired the land at the Holmes Road Depot and Regis Road Recycling Centre on a subject to planning basis. This means that Yoo Capital will own the land if and when planning permission for a development is approved.
Yoo Capital’s vision is for a UK first; film studios in the heart of the city, taking advantage of the amazing creative talent in Kentish Town, Camden and London and creating opportunities for the communities in and around Kentish Town. The ideas are at an early stage and Yoo Capital is committed to building a positive relationship with you, our neighbours. These first events are therefore an opportunity for us to meet each other, to discuss our vision and to work out how we can work together over the coming months and years.
As we develop our thinking, we will make sure we are delivering on the intent of the Kentish Town Planning Framework and Kentish Town Neighbourhood Plan, which we know the local community put a lot of effort into. This means we will be proposing a mix of creative space including film studios, as well as other commercial uses, plus much needed new homes of which 50% will be affordable, along with new infrastructure to support the community.
The team at Yoo Capital are inviting the local community to get involved in shaping the vision for the Camden Film Quarter.
A key first step is the creation of a masterplan for the whole of the Regis Road Growth Area. The masterplan will set out how all the community aspirations set out in the Kentish Town Planning Framework can be delivered comprehensively.
In April, we shared our initial ideas for the Camden Film Quarter Masterplan. Since then, we’ve been hard at work responding to your feedback, and we’re ready to share a detailed version of the Outline Masterplan with you.
During this next round of consultation, we’ll share a more detailed Masterplan including ideas for how high buildings could be and proposed transport and access connections to the surrounding community. We will also outline the sustainability principles of the masterplan and how we’ll work with the community to deliver spaces that work for everyone.
Your feedback through this round of consultation will be incorporated into our final Masterplan.
Learn more about the emerging masterplan vision and make your views known to the Yoo Capital team, by:
Get in touch with us via phone (079 4662 0296) or email